Interact with prospective owners over the telephone and email and effectively uses sales techniques to convert them into purchasers. Develop relationships with prospective owners by following up on referrals and leads. Cater the sales experience to the individual needs and preferences of each prospective owner, and follow through with the sales contract process to ensure that all paperwork is completed accurately and efficiently. Maintain the customer relationship after the sale is complete to ensure continued satisfaction with the organization and to develop future business opportunities (i.e., referrals, additional sales).
The Director of Finance and Accounting, (DOF), Resort Operations (Ops) is a pro-active and trusted business leader who provides financial and accounting expertise to Resort Operations on-site leaders to make timely and informed business decisions, optimize business value, and manage financial risk. Responsible for financial compliance and adherence of the management agreement with the nonprofit property owners’ association, as well as financial and accounting reporting and analysis of the on-site ancillary business operations.
The Contracts Processor is responsible for data entry to process timeshares contracts. Responsible for managing the process to meet department deadlines while maintaining a high level of accuracy.
As a member of the professional staff, contributes a high level of specialized knowledge and skill in a discipline (e.g., Accounting, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Resort Operations, Sales & Marketing) area to support department and/or function objectives. Generally, works with considerable independence, developing operating plans and related operational processes for own department in alignment with broader business objectives. Responsible for selection, supervision, and development of staff in accordance with company policies and procedures.